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Breakfast in the Classroom with OrderNOW by PCS on the PayPAMS Parent Portal

School Lunch News From Around The USA, Uncategorized

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is the meal that provides the body with the necessary nutrients to start the day off right. Not all children have access to a healthy breakfast at home, that is where Breakfast in the Classroom comes in.  Breakfast in the Classroom is a great way to ensure that all students have access to a healthy breakfast. With the help of OrderNOW, schools can provide this service with ease and convenience.

OrderNOW makes it easy for cafeteria managers, teachers, and parents to automate many of the processes involved in providing students with a nutritious breakfast right in their classrooms.

Here’s How it Works

OrderNOW is an ordering app for PCs, tablets, and phones that allows parents and teachers to order breakfast for their students with ease. Teachers can place orders for their entire class and parents can order breakfasts for the whole week. Meal counts are tabulated for food production and routed back to the classroom or alternate serving areas, ensuring that all students have access to a healthy meal to start their day. Parent ordering saves valuable time for teachers who no longer have to worry about collecting breakfast orders from each student and delivering them to the cafeteria.

OrderNOW can also be used by students with smart phones for direct orders to the cafeteria.